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A current list of publications can be found here.

Manuscripts.         Chapters.           Works in progress. 

Shelby McDonald- Research Impact 2023

Peer-reviewed Manuscripts


  1. Zoo-based teacher professional development: Facilitating learning through a conservation lens. Journal of Museum Education. (in press)

  2. Engaging internal and external audiences to develop and promote zoo-based conservation efforts. PLOS One. (in press).

  3. The impact of pet ownership in healthcare access and utilization among people with HIV. PLOS One.

  4. Exploring dimensions of childhood adversity as predictors of psychological adjustment among adolescents involved in the child welfare system: A latent profile analysis. Children and Youth Services Review.

  5. Pet ownership is associated with harmful alcohol use among a cohort of people with HIV: A short communication. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 

  6. A ray of light in the chaos”: Relationships between companion animals and LGBTQ+ emerging adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Human-Animal Interaction.

  7. The association between allostatic load, pet ownership, and social position among U.S. adults aged 50+. SSM—Population Health.

  8.  Childhood adversity moderates change in latent patterns in psychological adjustment during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of a survey of U.S. adults. Social Sciences. 

  9. Transgender and gender expansive emerging adults: The moderating role of thwarted belongingness on mental health. Psychology & Sexuality.

  10. The link between family violence and animal cruelty: A scoping review. Social Sciences.   

  11. Predicting contraceptive access and family planning outcomes: Path analysis using national data. Health & Social Care in the Community. 

  12. Barriers to and facilitators of maintaining pets’ grooming needs among clients served by a subsidized grooming service program. Frontiers in Veterinary Science.  

  13. The impact of long-term pet ownership on cognitive health: A population-based study. Journal of Health & Aging.

  14. Relations between interpersonal microaggressions, depressive symptoms, and pet attachment in an LGBTQ+ emerging adult sample. Journal of LGBTQ Youth.

  15. Increasing engagement in kitten fostering programs: Lessons learned from high kitten intake zip codes in Los Angeles County. Frontiers in Veterinary Science.

  16. Assessment of attachment to pets among LGBTQ+ young adults: Evaluation of the Pet Attachment and Life Impact Scale. Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin.

  17. Grooming-related concerns among companion animals: Preliminary data on an overlooked topic in animal welfare and a call for research. Frontiers in Veterinary Science.

  18. Relationships among early adversity, positive human and animal interactions, and mental health in young adults. Behavioral Sciences.

  19. The role of thwarted belongingness on the relationship between microaggressions and mental health for LGBTQ+ emerging adultsJournal of Youth Studies.

  20. Human–animal interaction and perinatal mental health: A narrative review of selected literature and call for research. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 

  21. Testing the moderating role of victimization and microaggressions on the relationship between human-animal interaction and psychological adjustment among LGBTQ+ emerging adults. Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin.

  22. Social support and attachment to pets moderate the association between sexual and gender minority status and the likelihood of delaying or avoiding Covid-19 Testing. Social Sciences.

  23. Do animal cruelty exposure and positive engagement with pets moderate associations between children’s exposure to intimate partner violence and callous and prosocial behaviorJournal of Interpersonal Violence.

  24. Love, fear, and the human-animal bond: On adversity and multispecies relationships. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology.

  25. Psychometric Evaluation of the Comfort from Companion Animals Scale in a Sexual and Gender Minority Sample. Anthrozöos.

  26. “That’s my ride or die”: Sexual and gender minority emerging adults’ perspectives on the benefits and risks of living with pets during the transition to adulthoodEmerging Adulthood.

  27. Attachment to pets moderates transitions in latent patterns of mental health following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of a survey of U.S. adults. Animals.

  28. The impact of pets on everyday life for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemicFrontiers in Public Health.

  29. Victimization and psychological wellbeing among sexual and gender minority emerging adults: Testing the moderating role of emotional comfort from companion animals. Journal of the Society of Social Work and Research.

  30. Relations between sexual and gender minority stress, personal hardiness, and psychological stress in emerging adulthood: Examining indirect effects via human-animal interaction. Youth & Society.

  31. Child and pet care-planning during COVID-19: Considerations for the evolving family unit. Family Relations.

  32. The moderating effect of comfort from companion animals and social support on the relationship between microaggressions and mental health in LGBTQ+ emerging adults. Behavioral Sciences.

  33. How Pets Factor into Healthcare Decisions for COVID-19: A One Health Perspective. One Health.

  34. The concerns, difficulties, and hardships of caring for pets during COVID-19: Results from a large survey of U.S. pet owners. Animals.

  35. Do animal cruelty exposure and positive engagement with pets moderate associations between children’s exposure to intimate partner violence and externalizing behavior problems? Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.

  36. A community-academic partnership to promote mental health among Latinx residents in an emerging Latinx community. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research.

  37. Item response theory analysis of the Inventory of Callous/Unemotional Traits in a sample of urban youth. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

  38. Mental health difficulties of incarcerated women: The influence of childhood and adulthood victimization. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health.

  39. The link between interpersonal violence and animal abuse. Society Register.

  40. Adverse childhood experiences patterns, depressive disorder, and substance use disorder in older adults. Aging and Mental Health.

  41. The relation between body image perceptions, parental messages, and depressive symptoms among Latinx college students. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.

  42. Exposure to intimate partner violence and internalizing symptoms: The moderating effects of positive relationships with pets and animal cruelty exposure. Child Abuse & Neglect.

  43. Intimate partner violence survivors’ reports of their children’s exposure to companion animal maltreatment: A qualitative study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

  44. Relations between beliefs supporting aggression and externalizing outcomes: The mediating roles of anger dysregulation and callous-unemotional traits. Aggressive Behavior.

  45. Comparing factor models of PTSD with Somali refugee youth in Kenya: An item response theory analysis of the PCL-C. Traumatology.

  46. Profiles of adverse childhood experiences and impulsivity. Child Abuse & Neglect.

  47. The relations among animal abuse, psychological disorders, and crime: Implications for forensic assessment. Behavioral Sciences & the Law.

  48. Animal cruelty among children in violent households: Children's explanations of their behavior. Journal of Family Violence.

  49. Intimate partner violence survivors and pets: Exploring service providers’ experiences in addressing client needs. Families in Society.

  50. An exploratory study of incarcerated domestic violence perpetrators’ reports of violence against animals. Anthrozoös.

  51. Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and substance use among young adults: A latent class analysis. Addictive Behaviors.

  52. Evaluation of the parent-report version of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits in a sample of children recruited from intimate partner violence services: A multidimensional Rasch analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychology.

  53. A template analysis of intimate partner violence survivors’ experiences of animal maltreatment: Implications for safety planning and intervention. Violence Against Women.

  54. Barriers and supports to dating violence communication between Latina adolescents and their mothers: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Family Violence.

  55. Concomitant exposure to animal abuse and socioemotional adjustment among children exposed to intimate partner violence: A mixed methods study. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma.

  56. The role of callous/unemotional traits in mediating the association between animal abuse exposure and behavior problems among children exposed to intimate partner violence. Child Abuse & Neglect.

  57. Ethnic labels, pride, and challenges: A qualitative study of Latinx youth living in a new Latinx destination community. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies.

  58. Associations between cultural stressors, cultural values, and Latina/o college students’ mental health. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

  59. Children's exposure to intimate partner violence and their social, school, and activities competence: Latent profiles and correlates. Journal of Family Violence.

  60. Children exposed to intimate partner violence: Identifying differential effects of family environment on children’s trauma and psychopathology symptoms through regression mixture models. Child Abuse & Neglect.

  61. Patterns of adjustment among children exposed to intimate partner violence: A person-centered approach. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma.

  62. Children’s experiences of companion animal maltreatment in households characterized by intimate partner violence. Child Abuse & Neglect.

  63. Validity of the Children’s Treatment of Animals Questionnaire: A Rasch analysis. Anthrozoös.

  64. Commercial drivers’ health: A naturalistic study of body mass index, fatigue, and involvement in safety-critical events. Traffic Injury Prevention.​


​Book Chapters

  1. Human-Animal Interaction in LGBTQIA+ Populations.  In A. Fine, M.  Meuller, Z. Ng, J. Peralta &, A. Beck (Ed.), The Handbook on Human-Animal Interactions, Interventions and Anthrozoology. London, UK: Routledge.

  2. Intimate Partner Violence and Animal Abuse in the Family System. In A. Fine, M.  Meuller, Z. Ng, J. Peralta &, A. Beck (Ed.), The Handbook on Human-Animal Interactions, Interventions and Anthrozoology. London, UK: Routledge.

  3. Psychopathy and Animal Cruelty Offenders. In M. Paulino, P. Marques & L. Alho (Ed.), Psychopathy and Criminal Behavior: Current Trends and Challenges. Cambridge, MA: Elsevier Academic Press.

  4. Violence against Family Pets. In T. Shackelford (Ed.) SAGE Handbook of Domestic Violence. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

  5. The role of human-animal interaction in child and adolescent development. In B. Halpern-Felsher (Ed.), Encyclopedia of child and adolescent health. Elsevier. 

  6. Links Between Violence Against Humans and Nonhuman Animals: Examining the Role of Adverse Family Environment. In B. Fischer (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Animal Ethics. London, UK: Routledge.

  7. Animal Maltreatment in Households Experiencing Family Violence. In J. L. Ireland, C. A. Ireland & P. Birch (Eds.), International Handbook on Aggression (pp. 183-193). London, UK: Routledge.

  8. Mauvais Traitements [Maltreatments]. In K.L. Matignon (Ed.), Révolutions animals: Comment les Animaux sont Devenus Intelligents (pp. 437-440). Paris, France: Les Liens qui Libèrent.


​Under Review/ In Preparation​

  1. Racial and ethnic differences in relations between childhood adversity and psychological adjustment among child welfare-involved youth: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. (under review)

  2. Zoo professionals and volunteers in the U.S: Experiences and prevalence of burnout, mental health, and animal loss. Frontiers in Psychiatry .  (under review)

  3. Experiences of grief and loss among zoo professionals and volunteers in the United States: Recommendations and future directions for the zoo industry. Human-Animal Interaction (in preparation)

  4. Prevalence of burnout, mental health, and animal loss among aquarium processionals: A brief report (in preparation)

  5. Development and validation of the Pet-Related Stress Scale. (in preparation). 

  6. Development and validation of an index to measure and quantify pet-related barriers to healthcare access and utilization. (in preparation)

  7. The emerging role of social science in zoo-based conservation organizations. Conservation Biology. (invited paper for special issue).

Book Chapters
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